Pet Urine Cleaner


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Pet Urine Cleaner Service

Accidents will happen, particularly if you’ve got a young puppy or an older dog.

The way to get the smell of dog urine out of carpet is big business, judging from the amount of products that are on the market to do the job!

But do you really want these chemicals? In this report, I am going to show you some easy and effective DIY tips for how to get dog urine out of carpet without chemicals, fuss, or cost!

What if I can't find the odor?

In case you are one of the many people who walk into a room and ask,”Can you smell something?” When you know your dog or cat has peed but it’s already dried and there’s nothing left but the odor, you can always use a black light to reveal the offending area of carpet or upholstery.

How to Get the Smell of Dog Pee Out of Your Carpetm cleaner to suck up the baking soda.

Step 4: Use Baking Soda to Remove the Vinegar Smell

As soon as you’ve the place as dry as you can, liberally sprinkle on baking soda, and work it into the fibers of the carpet with your fingertips (while wearing rubber gloves) or use an old soft toothbrush.

You will need to be generous with the baking soda; give the carpet a great covering so it’s completely white! Leave the baking soda for 30 minutes to soak up all of the vinegar and smells.

Step 5: Vacuum the Area

When the baking soda you put on is dry, you just need to vacuum this out of your carpet, and you’re done!
Tip: If you’ve got a pet hair remover attachment on your vacuum cleaner, use it! It divides any hardening of the baking soda. If you do not have this sort of attachment, then you can use a tiny stiff brush or the back of an old table knife blade (not the sharp edge) to split up any stubborn bits.
That, as they say, should be that! If you can still smell the odor when the area is dry, you might need to repeat the procedure, which is a bit of a pain but remains the best way of removing the smell of pet urine odor in your carpeting.

Step 1: Blot Up the Urine Immediately

Act quickly! If you can get to the pet while it’s still wet, the job is so much easier. If you can remove most the urine right away, bacteria will not get a grip, and it’s the bacteria that causes the worst of the smell, not the urine itself.

Catch a length of around six sheets of kitchen roll (paper towel). Fold this into a six-sheet thick square, and press it down onto the wet area of the carpet with your foot. Repeat with a new paper towel until the place is as dry as you can get it.

The trick is to make sure that you get as much of the dog pee blotted up as possible before you begin.

Step 2: Locate Invisible, Dried Urine Stains Using a Blacklight Flashlight

Here’s a smart way to track down those urine stains you may smell but can’t see!

Utilize an LED/UV Cat-Dog-Pet Urine Stain Blacklight Flashlight. The gadget is an ultraviolet or’blacklight’ that comes with an LED, low-energy bulb. Just shine it on your carpet or upholstery, and these little’whoopsies’ will become visible, so that you can deal with them.

However, nothing is absolutely foolproof, and the manufacturer states that around 2% of pee stains will not show up under any UV light. But for the other 98%, the investment is well worth it!

Step 3: Use a Homemade Deodorizing Vinegar Solution

After you’ve blotted wet stains or located the dry stains, it’s time to attack the odor! I love to keep a spray bottle handy containing a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water.

The vinegar does smell a bit strong, but it doesn’t last long and is definitely the best dog urine odor remover because it neutralizes the ammonia.

Put on your rubber gloves. Spray the vinegar solution from the outside edge of the stain towards the center. Function the vinegar solution into the carpet fibers with your fingers or a clean, lint-free cloth. Use a paper towel to blot up excess wetness.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Work to Eradicate Dog Pee Smell?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide works to eliminate stains and smells.

  • Mix about half a cup of hydrogen peroxide with about a teaspoon of dish soap that you use for hand washing dishes in the sink. (Do NOT use dish washing machine detergent)
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Spray onto the stain and work this into the carpet with an old, soft toothbrush.
  • Leave to dry completely.

Warning: Only use 3 percent solution and constantly check for color-fastness on an inconspicuous area first as it might bleach the fibers of the carpet, leaving a permanent light patch for a reminder of the accident!

Personally, I have never found this to be necessary. If you act fast, the vinegar followed by baking soda should be sufficient.


Here is how to clean vomit from carpet. The acid in vomit can stain a surface quickly, so wipe it up as soon as you can. Use a dustpan or scraper to remove the larger chunks.

Blot with a towel to clean up the moisture. Mix a solution of 2 cups of warm water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap and 1/2 cups of vinegar.

Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the mix and apply to the soiled area. Blot lightly. You might need to do this two or three times to get rid of a tough stain.

When the stain is gone, remove cleaner by placing a cloth dipped in clean water on the area. Blot dry with a towel.

How to Get Pet Stains Out of Carpet

A urine or vomit on carpet can be a pet-owner’s worst nightmare. Here is how you can easily wash some of the most common pet messes without too much stress.

You love your pets. You adore your carpets. Unfortunately the two do not co-exist well. Knowing how to get pet stains out of carpet is a key a skill for dog and cat owners.

Here’s the way to wash some of the most typical messes brought on by your animals.


No matter how well-trained your furry pal is, accidents happen. You will need to learn how to clean dog urine from carpet.

If at all possible, clean up urine as soon as it hits the ground and while it is still wet. When it dries, the odor will set into the carpet fibers. Put a towel or a couple of layers of paper towels on the place to absorb the urine.

Stand on the towel so it pushes into the carpeting and absorbs as much urine as possible.

Then mix up a solution of 2 cups of vinegar, 2 cups of warm water and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Put solution into a spray bottle and spritz on soiled area. Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Blot with a soft cloth. For heavier stains, sprinkle baking soda directly on the stain.

Pour a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar on the area and allow it to sit for 5 minutes and blot up with a fabric.

Pet urine from the carpet not only leaves an unsightly blot and an unpleasant odour, but it penetrates the fibers and contaminates both the carpet and the floor beneath.

That’s why it can call for major cleaning services, well beyond just a simple cleaning and treating. The longer an incident and blot go untreated, the more likely the urine odour is to permeate deeper and deeper into floors, walls and even the framework and foundation of the home.

Since the urine dries, the liquid evaporates but the urine crystals become even more concentrated and pungent.
Simple stain cleaning will not remove this pet odour. Until recently, there wasn’t a product available that that was effective at removing urine odours.

To help rid your home of the scents caused by pet urine, Continental Carpet Cleaning applies P.U.R.T. – specially designed to contain and remove pet urine odours.

When most cleanings only mask the odour, P.U.R.T. goes to the molecular level and also destroys the urine crystals to get rid of the odour.

Remove Pet Urine Odours Forever

Another alternative:

Installation Process

Mix a solution of 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap in a bowl. Sprinkle baking soda on the soiled area. Pour the liquid solution on the baking soda along with the blot.

Gently rub the area with a soft-bristled brush or cloth. Let it sit for 10 minutes (longer if the vomit has dried.) Use a towel to remove as much liquid as possible, then vacuum the area.

For a tough stain, you might need to repeat these steps.

Here at Continental Carpet Cleaning, we love our pets. They brighten up our day and they are always there to encourage us, through thick and thin.

However, they can make it a real challenge to keep your home clean, healthy and smelling fresh.

Not only is it tough to deal with a pet accident once one has happened, but it’s also difficult to know where previous accidents may have occurred.

Continental Carpet Cleaning can identify pet accidents in your home and eliminate pet urine odours from the rugs and carpets by applying our revolutionary cleaning product alternative P.U.R.T.

(Pet Urine Removal Treatment). P.U.R.T. contacts the source of the odour and then immediately starts a chemical reaction that destroys the urine odour. It has shown excellent results on the most severe pet urine harm.

Trusted Professionals

Continental Carpet Cleaning only hires highly trained, professional carpet cleaning technicians who know how to handle and treat stains with our powerful carbonating cleaning technique. 

We wish to ensure the quality of your carpet cleaning lives up to our standards.

Continental Carpet Cleaning’s training process is extensive and requires numerous hours of training before being entrusted to perform services in someone’s home.

Our professionals understand how to identify, assess, meet and exceed your carpet, rug, or pet cleaning requirements.

Call us today to schedule a no obligation, pet urine removal evaluation.

Finally, let dry. This can take several hours to all night so be patient. When it’s completely dry take your brush and break up any clump. 

Vacuum the area. You’re done! There should be no stain or oder left.

The Definitive Guide for Grout And Tile Cleaning

Non toxic DIY formula to remove pet odor an stains from carpet and mattresses. Works!!

You will need-

  • water
  • vinegar
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • dish soap
  • baking soda
  • firm bristle brush
  • terry cloth towels
  • First, if the stain is wet soak up any excess liquid using your terry cloth towel, paper towel or wet/dry vac.
  • Mix half water and half white vinegar and soak the stain. Make sure to go an inch or so around the stain to ensure removing all odor. Leave for a few minutes, then soak up excess moisture.
  • Add a thick (at least quarter inch) layer of baking soda.
  • Mix together hydrogen peroxide and dish soap. For every cup of peroxide needed, add a teaspoon of dish soap. Apply liberally.
  • Using your firm bristle brush, work the mixture into the stain.
  • Let sit for 15 minutes then soak up excess liquid.